At Mountain Dog Crew, we understand that each dog has their own personality and needs; that’s why we offer both off leash group walks and solo walks. We want to find the best option for your dog, therefore we will make sure to spend time with them to understand their personality and create a trustful relationship before introducing them to their new favorite pack.

So your dog wants to be part of the Mountain Dog Crew? Give us a call or send us an email to book a free meet and greet.

what we offer

Pack walk - $31

1h - Group walk off leash at the beach or West Van

Available: Weekdays

This is perfect for any friendly dog who wants to run around and make new dog friends. It’s the best plan if you want your dog to socialize while getting their energy out.

*Price includes pick-up & drop-off. Does not includes GST.


1h30 WALK - $41

1h30 - Group walk off leash at the beach or West Van

Available: Weekdays

One hour isn’t enough? Join us for longer! Post nap all day guaranteed.

*Price includes pick-up & drop-off. Does not includes GST.

Solo walk

Not every dog is a pack walk dog and that’s okay! Whether your dog is reactive, too young, too old or is injured; a solo walk can be the best option. Solo walks happens in your neighborhood and you will receive a report after.

30 minutes: $33

45 minutes: $38

1h: $44

*Prices does not includes GST.

Boarding & Pet sitting

Need to go somewhere your fluffy best friend isn’t allowed? This service is reserved for the regular walkers of the pack. Please note that depending on the dog, they will be staying with Elyse or Cora.

$70/night if your dog has already been Mado and Dion approved and will be boarding with Cora.

$85/night for Elyse to come to your house and take care of your dog. If her dog Levon can’t come, rate will be $95/night.

*Prices includes pick-up & drop-off. Does not includes GST.



Are you visiting our incredible city and have some plans that don’t involve your best friend? We got you! We’ll come spend some time with your dog while you’re out and about.

$45/hour if your hotel gives us a free parking pass.

$50/hour if we need to find and pay our own parking.


Get in touch for a free meet and greet.

follow our CREW


About cora

As far as I can remember, dogs were always part of my life and adopting one was always a goal of mine. From dog walking, to fostering, to adopting a shy and anxious rescue Formosan Mountain Dog from Taiwan, starting a dog walking service business was the next logical step.

I take pride in the relationship I create with each dog that comes my way. There is nothing more rewarding than a shy rescue dog that finally comes for cuddles, or a dog that’s usually leash reactive and just ignored another dog walking by because they trust that they are safe with you in charge.

I love working with dogs because I love learning from them and how they interact with each other and with us. Walking a pack of 10 dogs off leash might seem like a recipe for chaos for many, but when you are yourself part of the pack, it’s just hours of fun.

What clients Are Saying


“Last time, Cora brought beef snacks and that was the best. They always have snacks. Snacks are awesome. And then they throw sticks. Sticks are cool too.”

— Charlie

“I wasn’t a fan at first. I found it kinda rude to be taken away from my house, I had a bunch of naps planned. But then we were in the woods and I ran after so many birds, which was way better than naps.”

— pukah

“Honestly, life was way better as a single dog. Now I feel like I have to share the treats and the best seat in the car with a group of wet dogs. I’ll allow it though, at least they let me dig at the beach.”

— MAdo

Contact us.

Cora - They/Them
(672) 514-5087

Pick Up Area:

Most of East Van, Mount Pleasant & Hastings-Sunrise
